Blue Edge Marketing


The team at BlueEdge Marketing are specialists ready to help create a marketing package that will optimize the advertising potential of your home and reach the broadest buying audience possible.

Blue Edge Marketing has the resources and know-how to promote your property efficiently and professionally with the goal of generating results.


A few of the BlueEdge Marketing  benefits and features include:


Custom Social Media Posts | All Social Media posts are designed to market your property.

Facebook Advertising | Open Houses, Broker’s Opens, Just Listed, Just Sold, Price Reduction, Page Likes, Website Traffic, etc. 

Custom Property Flyers or Brochures |  Flyers and brochures are completely customizable and designed to showcase your property

 E-mail Newsletters | Customized to fit the message you want to send

Personal Brochures & Resume Pages | Wonderful marketing pieces for handouts, or any other marketing needs custom pages are created to help market your proper

Ads are targeted to buyer profile demographics from CBx.